Latest Version Aquafinesse Kit Hot Tub Spa Water Care Granular Chlorine Fresh Inventory
- SKU:
- AF-956310
- MPN:
- AF-956310
Latest Version Aquafinesse 2 Liter x 2 qty Hot Tub Spa Water Care Granular Chlorine Kit
2 qty x 2 liter bottles of AquaFinesse solution,
1 – 16oz Chlorine Granular,
1 measuring cup,
1 user manual
What is Aquafinesse? How Does Aqua Finesse Work in Hot Tub Spa? Everything You Need to Know about Aquafinesse is answered below.
AquaFinesse is a natural, environmentally friendly water treatment system. It is not a sanitizer, but it does play a vitally important role in the control of bacteria. To understand how AquaFinesse works you must first understand the real cause of bacterial contamination – biofilm!
Biofilm is a slimy substance that is created by bacteria for use as a safe shelter, feeding and breeding ground. Bacteria enter the water via many various sources, including bathers. Needing somewhere safe, bacteria create a slime (biofilm), which enables them to stick to any damp surface area. In you pool or spa this could mean the walls, steps, filter housing, jets and the pipe work. Once attached, they are quickly able to form colonies.
Biofilm is designed to protect the bacteria within, and it does an excellent job. So much so that it is virtually impossible for traditional sanitizers such as chlorine or bromine to penetrate it. Even large quantities of sanitizer can only kill the bacteria in the outer layer of the biofilm leaving the bacteria below unharmed and able to continue multiplying.
99% of all bacteria live in the biofilm, leaving just 1% that actually live in the water itself. It is only these so called ‘free floating’ bacteria that are eliminated with traditional sanitizers such as chlorine or bromine.
How does AquaFinesse work?
The moment AquaFinesse is added to the water it begins the process of breaking down and loosening biofilm from surfaces. With no shelter to protect them, bacteria are exposed and vulnerable. It is now a simple task to destroy them with a minimal amount of sanitizer.
Bathers re-entering the water will of course still introduce fresh bacteria, however, they are longer able to ‘stick’ and multiply in biofilm. These bacteria are quickly coagulated by AquaFinesse’s patented technology and a sanitizer rapidly eliminates them.
By breaking down the Biofilm, AquaFinesse completely reconditions the water and equipment, significantly reducing the levels of bacteria and threat of further contamination. As a result, there’s less “killing” to do, which means the need for chemicals such as chlorine or bromine is significantly reduced.
Even calcium, a common and significant problem in spas, is eliminated because it can not stick to the surfaces of the hot tub.
The science behind AquaFinesse gets to the real root of the bacterial problem in an environmentally friendly way. It removes slime, calcium and debris from deep within the piping and equipment of your spa and ensures it doesn’t come back. One simple weekly treatment gives you fresh, safe, crystal clear and silky soft water.
Aquafinesse - Hot Tub Care System (Granular Chlorine Kit) - Hot tub Water care box
Everybody knows that we need to sanitize water to destroy bacteria, but at what cost to our families health and our fragile environment? The use of traditional chemicals such as chlorine or bromine in your spa result in strong smelling water with harsh unwanted side effects on your skin, eyes, chest and even your spa’s equipment. Plus the headache of having to do the time consuming multiple daily measurements and adjustments. Even after all of this...
Is your spa really as clean as you think?
Maybe not! But to understand why, you firstly need to know about the real cause of bacterial build up, an industry secret about a foul, slimy substance that lurks unseen on surfaces and in the pipe work and of your spa called Biofilm! For years scientists have understood that to thrive, bacteria create a layer of slime in which they shelter, feed and breed. Over time this slime increases in thickness, creating serious additional problems. Even high levels of chlorine or bromine can only kill bacteria in the outer layer of an established Biofilm leaving the unharmed bacteria below to continue breeding.
Did you know that 99% of all bacteria live in the Biofilm, just 1% actually live in the water itself and it is only these so called ‘free floating’ bacteria that we are able to kill with traditional sanitizers such as chlorine or bromine!
The answer is AquaFinesse!
In one simple weekly treatment our patented environmentally friendly formula gets to the root of the problem by loosening this layer of slime from the surfaces, it is then rinsed away by the action of the water and prevented from reforming. Result, a dramatic reduction in the levels of bacteria, needing only the minimal amount of sanitizer! Even calcium, the notorious destroyer of spas, is not match against the power of AquaFinesse.
So there you have it
The perfect all in one solution, safe, clean, crystal clear water which protects the bathers, the environment and even the spa itself. Say yes to softer purer water and a cleaner bathing environment SAY YES TO AQUAFINESSE
Size of your hot tub (gallons) | One kit of AQUAFINESSE will last Approximately... |
Less than 250 | 6 months |
250 - 350 | 5 months |
350 - 400 | 4 months |
400 - 550 | 3 months |
Aquafinesse USAGE INSTRUCTIONS. How to use Aqua finesse
SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE – read instructions carefully.
AquaFinesse TM must be used with an approved sanitizer of choice.START UP INSTRUCTIONS for use with sanitizing powder kit
1. Drain hot tub completely after running Spa Clean to purge lines in older tubs.
Run garden hose for 60 seconds before fi lling the tub with fresh tap water.
For new tubs: Run garden hose for 60 seconds before fi lling the tub with fresh
tap water.
2. Balance tub water including Alkalinity, PH and total hardness.
3. Shake the bottle of AquaFinesseTM to mix the solution. Pour the correct amount
of AquaFinesse (as indicated in the manual) into the water. Turn on the jets for a
minimum of 2 minutes to activate the AquaFinesseTM water care system.
4. Add one tsp of granules directly to the water and with jets running. Chlorine
reading should be 1.5 – 3 ppm.
5. After each use of the hot tub add one half tsp of granules directly to the water and
with jets running. If the tub is not in regular use this amount can be reduced to one
tsp of granules at least once a week.
6. Rinse fi lter once a week to ensure total sanitation and clean your fi lter with
AquaFinesse fi lter clean once a month.
START UP INSTRUCTIONS for use with sanitizing tablet kit
1. Drain hot tub completely after running AquaFinesse Spa Clean to purge lines in
older tubs. Run garden hose for 60 seconds before fi lling the tub with fresh tap
water. For new tubs: Run garden hose for 60 seconds before fi lling the tub with
fresh tap water.
2. Balance tub water including Alkalinity, PH and total hardness.
3. Shake the bottle of AquaFinesse™ to mix the solution. Pour the correct amount
of AquaFinesseTM (as indicated in the manual) into the water. Turn on the jets for a
minimum of 2 minutes to activate the AquaFinesseTM water care system.
4. Place (1) sanitizer tablet in the slow-release dispenser, close cap, fi ll with water
and place dispenser directly on the top of the fi lter (basket). Check dispenser every
week to make sure tablets are intact. Replace tablet when gone or as needed.
Chlorine reading should be 1.5 – 3 ppm.
5. Rinse fi lter once a week to ensure total sanitation and clean your fi lter with
AquaFinesse fi lter clean once a month.
Repeat steps 2 - 5 for tablet kit and 2 - 6 for powder kit on a set day, every week.
1. We recommend that you have a water sample taken to your retailer for water
balance and hardness testing.
2. Clean your fi lter with AquaFinesse Filter Cleaner.
AquaFinesse Per Week
250 gal - 6 oz.
251-350 gal - 7 oz.
351-450 gal - 10 oz.
451-550 gal - 13 oz.
551-650 gal - 14 oz.
CLOUDY WATERA) organic contaminants build-up A) shock with Spa shock
B) suspended particles B) increase filter circulation time
C) high Ph C) add PH reducer till 7.2-7.6
D) total alkalinity too high D) add AK reducer till 100 p.p.m
E) hardness too high E) reduce hardness
F) poor filtration F) Clean your filter more frequently.
G) high dissolved solids G) Change water every 3-4 months
A) dissolved copper, iron and A) have retailer test water
other metals from source water or equipment
B) fragrance B) reduce consumption
high level of organic contaminants shock water with a spa shock causing combined chlorine CLEAN FILTERS
A) low pH A) increase Ph to 7.2-7.6
B) combined chlorine due to B) shock water with a spa shockhigh concentration of organic contaminants
A) high concentration of organic contaminants using up sanitizers A) add sanitizer more regularly or change to different sanitizer
B) test strips may be ineffective B) replace test strips annually